2015年12月22日 星期二

What's New in Delphi 10 Seattle

What's New in Delphi 10 Seattle 
Embarcadero® Delphi® 10 Seattle is the fastest way to build and update data-rich, hyper connected, visually engaging applications for Windows 10, Mac, Mobile, IoT and more.
What's New in Delphi 10 Seattle

NASA's Pleiades Studies Impact of Asteroid Hitting Earth
NASA is using its Pleiades supercomputer to simulate the damage asteroids can cause if they crash into Earth. According to a case study on nasa.gov, the goal is to better assess the threat of collisions and help develop mitigation strategies, such as evacuating populations, altering an asteroid's trajectory so it misses Earth, or destroying the object in space. An asteroid larger than 30 meters, or 98.4 feet, in diameter is expected to hit our planet every 100 years; there are roughly 10,000 of those near Earth, 1,600 of which are classified as dangerous.

2015年12月15日 星期二

Cloud Automation Could Begin With a 'Snap'

Cloud Automation Could Begin With a 'Snap'
Intel has released "Snap," a systems-monitoring software to make Cloud computing more efficient by getting datacenter hardware to manage its own workloads and performance. According to Jonathan Donaldson, vice president and general manager of the Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI) division of Intel's Data Center Group, Snap is the first in a series of products that could drop the cost of building and running private Clouds to where nearly any company can operate one.

2015年11月27日 星期五

vForum 2015報名即將額滿! 用戶經驗分享議程壓軸公布!

vForum 2015報名即將額滿!

08:15 ~ 17:10 (08:15 開始報到)

2015年11月19日 星期四

New! Insider's Guide to Incident Response

New! Insider's Guide to Incident Response
This free guide gives an in-depth look at fundamental strategies of efficient, effective incident response -- from practical tips on how to build an incident response plan and team, to necessary tools and training for team members.

2015年11月17日 星期二


08:15 ~ 17:10 (08:15 開始報到)

最佳解答,就在雲端與企業行動化技術盛會vForum 2015。

vForum 2015巡迴活動在亞太地區已吸引超過四萬人參與,12月9日即將挾著超高人氣登台,為企業帶來全新的效率、靈活度和競爭力。

2015年11月10日 星期二

Why You Should Modernize Your Code (and What to Consider Before You Do)

Why You Should Modernize Your Code (and What to Consider Before You Do) 
Modernizing your code will give you better performance, readability and reusability—and probably make your boss happier, too. Rick Leinecker shows how to upgrade using your compiler, and what downsides to consider before you modernize.

2015年11月8日 星期日

Firesheep and Sidejacking

The recent release of the Firesheep Wi-Fi attack tool has increased awareness among both users and attackers of the inherent insecurity of unprotected HTTP connections. Firesheep allows an attacker connected to the local network to monitor the web sessions of other users on that network.

2015年11月7日 星期六

Site24x7: All-in-One Monitoring for DevOps and IT Operations

Site24x7: All-in-One Monitoring for DevOps and IT Operations
One console that provides comprehensive monitoring for websites, apps, server,
AWS and network. Get alerts through email, SMS, voice calls or mobile push

2015年11月3日 星期二

Getting Started With Data Analytics Acceleration Library

Getting Started With Data Analytics Acceleration LibraryShare your comment!

As the size of data grows, so does the difficulty performing analysis. The larger the data, the more difficult in terms of time and resources that analysis requires. For instance, most web servers log all page requests, including asset files such as CSS, image and JavaScript. And there are a lot of them—the days of opening a server log file with Notepad to examine it are over. You need a big data approach. And that is what Intel has provided with its Data Analytics Acceleration Library (DAAL).
DAAL to the Rescue
Analytics is a technical problem that solves a business one. The technical part of the problem is how to perform analytics on large data. The business part is using analytics to make good business decisions. The final objective of DAAL is to provide the information necessary to make good business decisions.
A large part of data analytics is machine learning. This technology is not new, but Intel has provided a comprehensive package with which developers can easily add machine learning to their arsenal. DAAL provides all of the building blocks for machine learning, and these blocks can then be used to perform analytics for decision making.
Large data analytics invariably introduce bottlenecks. This is understandable when you consider the large amounts of data that are transported over a communication layer. DAAL manages these bottlenecks during the entire process. You’re free to manage your analytic flow and focus on solving the business problems.

Intel's 'Discovery Peak' Platform Ready for its Close-Up

Intel's 'Discovery Peak' Platform Ready for its Close-Up 
After almost three years in development, Intel's Cloud-based Trusted Analytics Platform (TAP) — formerly known as "Discovery Peak" — has its first pilot projects
. John O'Donnell covers the benefits to be gained from this open-source tool. Learn more, then tell us what you think in our comments section on the story page.  

2015年10月31日 星期六

星期五, 2015年10月30日, 1000hr - 1100hr 使用 TurboPower LockBox 组件对数据进行 RSA 加解密和数字签名 星期五, 2015年11月13日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之 Android Service 新特性 星期五, 2015年11月20日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之支持 NoSQL 的 MongoDB 篇 星期五, 2015年11月27日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之自定义 ListView 的 Appearance

星期五, 2015年10月30日, 1000hr - 1100hr 使用 TurboPower LockBox 组件对数据进行 RSA 加解密和数字签名 星期五, 2015年11月13日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之 Android Service 新特性 星期五, 2015年11月20日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之支持 NoSQL 的 MongoDB 篇 星期五, 2015年11月27日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之自定义 ListView 的 Appearance

3. 至少掌握C++,java,PYTHON,R等語言中的一門

1. 碩士以上學歷,數學統計電腦相關專業優先(985優先)。當然,如果你夠牛逼,你可以忽略這一切
熟悉linux命令,資料庫知識,包括sql server mysql
熟悉hadoop hive,spark等分散式系統

2015年10月16日 星期五

cyber-crime costs

There is significant variation in total cyber-crime costs among participating companies. The US sample reports the highest total average cost at $15 million and the Russian sample reports the lowest total average cost at $2.4 million.

2015年10月11日 星期日

we selected TeXstudio,

For our October "Staff Pick" Project of the Month, we selected TeXstudio, a fully featured LaTeX editor that is available for all major operating systems. Their goal is to make writing LaTeX documents as easy and as comfortable as possible. TeXstudio has numerous helpful features, such as advanced syntax highlighting, integrated viewer, live reference checking, citations, latex commands, spelling and grammar, and various assistants

Security analysts called 2013 the year of the mega breach

Security analysts called 2013 the year of the mega breach, and severe vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed and Shellshock in 2014 showed that the security community can never rest on its laurels.
Will the Internet of Things usher in a new wave of security attacks? As countries move towards their smart nation master plans, what role will Big Data play? What's next in the mobile security space?

2015年10月7日 星期三

Google is the world's most popular search engine, and intends to stay that way. Its popularity is a reflection of its aim to provide the best possible user experience.

Google is the world's most popular search engine, and intends to stay that way. Its popularity is a reflection of its aim to provide the best possible user experience.
Today, that means a secure experience, which is why Google now boosts a site's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking if it secures the entire user session by HTTPS. Essential to a site's success, SEO helps a business to be found, so higher ranking means more site traffic.

2015年10月1日 星期四

Webinar: Cross-Platform Mobile Game Development Using HTML5

Webinar: Cross-Platform Mobile Game Development Using HTML5
Intel® XDK provides a development environment for creating web and hybrid mobile games. Intel XDK includes a code editor, game asset manager, emulator, on-device test, debugger, and build solution.

2015年9月3日 星期四

VMware 軟體

VMware 軟體與服務實現了無所畏懼的創新 IT 模式,此模式既即時、靈活又安全。有了 VMware 適用於 IT 的 One Cloud, Any Application, Any Device 架構,您便能部署統一的混合雲,並提供企業行動化來達成開創新局的 IT 成果

OpManager is web-based network

OpManager is web-based network management software that monitors network devices and physical and virtual servers, alerts via email and SMS for fault. Monitor 25 devices for free with no restriction. Download now.

2015年8月28日 星期五

this on-demand webcast

Are you interested in building a cognitive application using the power of IBM Watson? Need a platform that provides speed and ease for rapidly deploying this application?
Check out this on-demand webcast and join Chris Madison, Watson Solution Architect, as he walks through the process of building a Watson-powered application on IBM Bluemix. Chris will do a step-by-step cognitive application-building demonstration to acquaint you with the functionality and flexibility of Watson Services.

2015年8月26日 星期三

Event Targeting

全 球數以百萬計用戶運用 Twitter  尋找各式各樣活動 (例如總統選舉) 的實時資訊,同時藉著 Twitter 參與其中,早前 Twitter 為廣告客戶將推出全新的 Event Targeting 功能,助他們瞄準對這些活動有濃厚興趣的目標用戶群。今期商智謀略會跟讀者說明這項新功能。

2015年8月25日 星期二

Nutanix 攜手 iCON

Nutanix 攜手 iCON 

傳統的 IT 架構大部分仍是以物理設計為導向,當越來越多企業嘗試將大量數據儲存並進行快速分析時,IT 經理發現如沿用舊方案將會大大增加營運成本,而且系統架構往往難以負荷。今期 Linuxpilot 訪問了 Nutanix 香港及台灣區總經理楊君霈,iCON Business Systems Ltd.  技術總監戴兆偉及高級銷售總監林順發,為大家分享大數據的應用趨勢及超融合式基礎架構的優點。

C++ has recently adopted

One of the biggest changes in recent times has been the use of Lambda expressions in programming. Though it sounds exotic, it's just a way of running an anonymous function. Even C++ has recently adopted them in C++11 and Java in Java 8. David Bolton explains. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.

2015年8月19日 星期三

Modern mobile applications connect systems-of-engagement (mobile apps)

Modern mobile applications connect systems-of-engagement (mobile apps) with systems-of-record (traditional IT) to deliver new and innovative business value. But the lifecycle for development of mobile apps is also new and different.
Emerging trends in mobile development call for faster delivery of incremental features, coupled with feedback from the users of the app "in the wild". This loop of continuous delivery and continuous feedback is how the best mobile apps keep their users engaged and also produce the most compelling apps in the market.

2015年8月18日 星期二

Easier, Faster High-Performance Data Compression with IPP

Easier, Faster High-Performance Data Compression with IPP
Most large software projects deal with data and bandwidth is a concern because large data sets can clog a network and potentially bring its performance to its knees. But as Rick Leinecker explains, Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) includes a rich set of data compression functions that can ease that pain. Find out more and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.

2015年8月14日 星期五

Top Intel® Software Developer Stories | Augmented Reality, Facial Recognition, ModernCode and More
Don’t miss out on the Top Ten! The Intel® Developer Zone provides a wealth of resources, but which stories are trending this month in the developer community? We’re bringing the developer buzz to you.

2015年8月11日 星期二

Stay connected;

Stay connected; and continue to learn with Intel® Software’s exclusive offering of developer tools for RealSense, IoT, Android* and Windows* to create the next big app, get to market faster, and integrate new features into your development. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to learn more, and to find local hackathons, roadshows and events.

2015年8月9日 星期日

Community Choice Project of the Month for August

Community Choice Project of the Month for August For our August "Community Choice" Project of the Month the community elected NAS4Free, an embedded storage distribution for Windows, Mac, and UNIX-like systems. The NAS4Free operating system can be easily installed on virtually any hardware platform, with a Live CD or Live USB, to share computer data storage over a computer network. The project also receives regular updates which include new features, bug fixes, and version upgrades, which in turn keeps your NAS current with the latest standards and best versions. NAS4Free is a simple and efficient way to create a centralized and easily accessible server for a variety of data. Download NAS4Free now.

2015年7月29日 星期三

Scaled agile practices deliver on the promise of scaling development methods to the enterprise through a unified approach and addressing the requirements of complex constructs and additional stakeholders of today's organizations.

Learn More
Scaled agile practices deliver on the promise of scaling development methods to the enterprise through a unified approach and addressing the requirements of complex constructs and additional stakeholders of today's organizations.
In these case studies and white papers, discover how to:
  • Utilize a foundational framework and public knowledge base of proven lean and agile practices at enterprise scale
  • Reproduce benefits achieved by four real-world companies
  • Follow Nationwide's example in slashing downtime and dramatically improving code quality in just three years

2015年7月10日 星期五

Game Dev Code Samples, Android* Lollipop, RealSense™Contest Winners & More

Game Dev Code Samples, Android* Lollipop, RealSenseContest Winners & More
The Intel® Developer Zone provides a wealth of resources, but which stories are trending this month in the deverloper community? We’re bringing the developer buzz to you.
We have put together the top 10 list of developer selected content ranging from technical videos, to code samples, to getting started guides. Keep on the lookout each month for the top 10 developer stories coming right to your inbox.

2015年6月30日 星期二

This book defines the basics of application release and deployment, and provides best practices for implementation with resources for a deeper dive.

Today's competitive marketplace requires the organization to frequently release and deploy applications at the pace of user demands, with reduced cost, risk, and increased quality.
This book defines the basics of application release and deployment, and provides best practices for implementation with resources for a deeper dive.
Inside you will find: 1) The business and technical drivers behind automated application release and deployment. 2) Evaluation guides for application release and deployment solutions. 3) Success stories from organizations utilizing application release and deployment solutions.

2015年6月27日 星期六


優惠活動延長至 2015年6月30日!凡購買符合優惠活動之 RAD Studio, Delphi 或 C++Builder 產品的用戶,都可享有九折優惠價格。
Embarcadero 以更優惠價格讓您更容易上手及提高您的生產力。在限時優惠期間,凡購買符合優惠活動之 RAD Studio, Delphi 或 C++Builder 產品的用戶,即可免費獲得第二套等值或低於您購買產品價格的 Embarcadero 工具軟體。
只要加購一年更新維護服務,任何舊版本升級可為您省下最多 45% 的更新費用
目前還在使用 XE2 或更舊版本的用戶,只要加購一年更新維護服務,即可為您省下最多 45% 的更新費用。

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015 (HKOSCon) is the International Tech Conference hosted in Hong Kong, driven by the Open Source Community. HKOSCon is aimed to connect the global Open Source technology and communities.

Google Analytics 101 & 201

Google  Analytics 101 & 201

Google Analytics 是個有效的網站分析工具,課程 101 將教你使用 Google Analytics 這套網站分析工具,由基礎的名詞了解開始,助你從大量數據中獲得有用資訊;課程 201 則更深入的解構這工具,如何進階使用及留意事項。學會解讀及使用 Google Analytics 是身為網站企劃經營、網路行銷從業人員不可或缺的能力。



很多香港企業都開始留意到微信對內地營銷的重要性,但微信與其他社交平台有著重大分別,如何利用微信公眾號才可以吸引粉絲及獲取有效 ROI?微礦 WeMine x BQ Journal 聯合推出微信公眾號應用培訓課程,為你介紹微信基本的知識,課上會有進階功能示範及實例分享。

2015年6月16日 星期二

GPUs vs. CPUs: Which Is Right for You?

GPUs vs. CPUs: Which Is Right for You?
Gone are the days when Central Processing Units (CPUs) did all the heavy lifting. The last 10 years has seen much of the workload shifted from CPUs onto one or more Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). David Bolton walks you though what that means for maximizing performance. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.

2015年5月30日 星期六


由香港 Linux 商會及香港貿易發展局主辦的「雲端與移動科技匯流」研討會已於 2015 年 4 月 13 日舉行。根據市場研究機構 Gartner 發表的最新預測,2015 年全球 IT 支出將穩步達到 3.8 兆美元,成長 2.4%,但低於先前預測的 3.9%。為了協助中小企把握雲端應用,從而節省成本,香港 Linux 商會再度參與 2015 年度國際資訊科技博覽及設立「雲端與移動科技匯流」館,介紹各類嶄新雲端應用。

2015年5月27日 星期三

Accurate Design Simulations Improve Product Development

Accurate Design Simulations Improve Product Development
Learn More
Creating innovative products requires insights into design performance, and design engineers who can predict design behavior are more efficient, innovative, and successful.
With SOLIDWORKS Simulation 3D CAD integrated analysis solutions, you can intuitively, accurately, and cost-effectively simulate how a product will perform, enabling you to dimension precisely and optimize designs while reducing prototyping and time-consuming trials processes.

2015年5月26日 星期二

Intel Fires New Power Chip at Cloud, Mainframe Simultaneously

ntel Fires New Power Chip at Cloud, Mainframe Simultaneously
Intel did something a little different with the design of version 3 of its top-end Xeon E7 processor family: The company took advantage of Xeon Phi's new position as its main entry in supercomputing to expand the range of Xeon's capabilities to include not only Big-Data applications, but full-bore online transaction processing systems that are the traditional stronghold of mainframes and traditional RISC-processing architectures. Find out more and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.

2015年5月5日 星期二

New Hope for Moore's Law Lies in Smarter Plastic, Better Light

New Hope for Moore's Law Lies in Smarter Plastic, Better Light

Microsoft Doubles Datacenter Speeds with Programmable Chips

Intel Bets Big on Custom Xeon Chips for Cloud Companies

Will Moore's Law Drive Supercomputing for Another Decade?

Will Moore's Law Drive Supercomputing for Another Decade?
Intel recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of Moore's Law by predicting computer power would continue to grow and circuits would continue to shrink for at least another 10 years at the rate Intel co-founder Gordon Moore predicted in 1965. Find out more and tell us your thoughts in the comments section on our story page.

2015年4月15日 星期三

Private Managed CA's Streamline Internal Server Certificate Management

The CA/BF, the governing body that manages the use of SSL certificates, has determined that public CAs will no longer issue certificates with internal names after November 2015. The logic for using SSL certificates has not changed, but organizations will have to adopt new ways of issuing them.
These rule changes do not mean that internal certificates are no longer available for use, only that public CAs cannot issue certificates with internal names that are not authenticated. Although running your own CA might sound appealing, to those inclined to the do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to IT operations, there are a number of factors to consider.

2015年4月14日 星期二

Chris Madison will do a deep dive into Watson's Question and Answer service available on IBM Bluemix.

In this video, Chris Madison will do a deep dive into Watson's Question and Answer service available on IBM Bluemix.
The step by step demonstration will give developers a foundational application that will take question inputs and receive back a JSON response from Watson that includes answers, confidence, and source. Using this service will allow developers to build applications that users can interact with Watson through explicit Q&A.

evitable that code must be reworked to meet new needs, whether to boost performance or to mak

How to Bring New Life to Legacy C++ Code
Over time, it's inevitable that code must be reworked to meet new needs, whether to boost performance or to make it cleaner and more maintainable. See how to get started reworking your mountains of C++ legacy code, and bring them up to modern standards. Tell us what you think in the comments section on our story page.

his is something I’m going to cover in future articles in 2015, incl

This is something I’m going to cover in future articles in 2015, including a way that you can try out new technology such as AVX-512 even when your computer doesn’t support it. The tool we’ll be looking at is called Intel Software Development Emulator (SDE), which now has support for AVX-512 emulation. SDE itself is actually built using another tool from Intel called Pin, which is a tool for creating instrumentation and analysis tools.
Another thing we’ll look at in 2015 is how to actually test the accuracy of your modernizations. For example, from a mathematical perspective, if you start with a serial mathematical algorithm and spread it among multiple cores, you could potentially introduce precision errors that could radically alter the result of the operation. But another issue is optimization. If your code has been modernized to run on multiple cores, and later it runs on a machine with 60 cores, will it really run as optimally as it can? Or can you optimize it even further? These are all issues that play into the modernization of your code.
Finally, another thing we’ll look at this year is what is going on exactly at the Parallel Computing Centers. Much of the code they’re modernizing is free and open source and available. That will give us a chance to see what kind of work they’re doing, and to hopefully learn from their expertise. These modernizations are being implemented by software engineers with loads of experience in high-performance computing and parallel computing, and there is much we can learn from them. Also, as one final note, these centers are working in both C++ and Fortran, so there’s a lot to learn in both those languages.
This is going to be an exciting year for parallel and high-performance computing. Intel is working with centers all over the world, and new research will be coming out, with plenty of opportunities for us to learn as much as we can. And for many of you, that will mean enhancing your own career potential.

Intel is working with high-performance

Intel is working with high-performance computing facilities across the planet to establish Parallel Computing Centers. The goal is modernization. In this blog, Jeff Cogswell looks at what that means in terms of vectorization and multicore development, and considers how we can learn from the work of these centers.
Over the past decade, we have seen multicore processors become commonplace, with most computers today having at least a dual processor. While dual-core and quad-core processors are the norm for everyday computing, scientific and research applications often make use of more advanced processors such as many-core Xeon Phi processors.
Throughout 2014, Intel worked with universities and research institutions throughout the world to establish Intel Parallel Computing Centers. These are high-performance computing centers that already existed and received grants from Intel to take up the issue of modernization of software. But what exactly does modernization mean? In this case, it means improving legacy software to make use of parallel computing technology.
But this doesn’t just mean adapting software to multicore and quadcore processors. Rather, it means adapting software so that it can run on manycore computers, making use of whatever number of cores are available–whether a dual core or a cluster of Xeon Phi coprocessors, with upwards of thousands of cores.

2015年4月11日 星期六


VMware企業上雲端的三大願景:軟體定義資料中心(SDDC)、混合雲(Hybrid Cloud)和企業行動力(Enterprise Mobility)方案的全球影響力在2014年充分顯現,AirWatch、Cloud Management、NSX、Hybrid Cloud以及Virtual SAN等新產品與服務的客户數量快速增加,公司全年營收60.4億美元創歷史新高;台灣大專院校近年來積極推動雲端校園,採用儲存虛擬化技術的速度打敗歐美地區居全球之冠,VMware合作夥伴麟瑞科技因此榮獲2014年度全球最佳銷售Virtual SAN 經銷商大獎。客戶採用創新IT無所畏懼(Brave IT)的精神和夥伴提供專業服務的承諾和堅持,實至名歸,與有榮焉。

VMware正引領全球混合雲發展腳步,在2月2日正式推出提供Non-Stop VM的vSphere 6,產品3月16日正式上市。2015將是台灣企業IT架構轉型的元年。根據iThome 2015 CIO大調查結果,企業IT投資信心從2014年開始增強,今年IT預算成長率創新高,企業看重伺服器虛擬化Appliance採購,VM數量將暴增,將有4成應用在企業虛擬化平台執行,軟體定義產品的需求逐漸萌芽,桌面虛擬化建置需求將大爆發,整體平均導入規模相較2014年將成長4~5倍。讓我們一起顛覆框架,翻滾IT。

ACCELERATE YOUR HARDWARE Setting up Intel® HAXM on Windows*

Setting up Intel® HAXM on Windows*
Learn how to set up your Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (Intel® HAXM) on Windows* to help your Android* Emulator run significantly faster.

INTEL® REALSENSE™ TECHNOLOGY Intel® RealSense™ App Challenge Early Demo Submission Winners

Intel® RealSense™ App Challenge Early Demo Submission Winners
Almost 200 developers answered the call for early demo entries in this Million Dollar Challenge. Congratulations to the 77 demos and developers who each earned USD $1K.



2015 年是 UAT 踏入 18 週年的重要里程,多年來 UAT 積極實踐企業社會責任(CSR),以多樣化的行動關愛社群,慢慢地品牌被社會各界人士認識及認同。究竟 UAT 如何透過實踐企業社會責任積極傳揚關愛社群精神,以及將品牌深入各界人士心中,商智謀略訪問了 UAT 超敏科技總經理張仕鵬。

ReadySpace 品牌創造力來自創新和積極進取


ReadySpace 是一間 IT 寄存網路服務供應商,提供範圍廣泛的雲端基礎設施服務給與世界各地不同類型和大小規模的企業。其服務包括雲端寄存、雲端伺服器、專屬伺服器、雲端基礎建設 服務等等。其最與眾不同之處是不斷改善本身的服務質素,並還提供最新的技術給客戶,一如名字,給予客戶業務成長的空間。

Google Analytics 201

Google Analytics 201
As one of the 3 Google Analytics Certified Partners (GACPs), and the first Seminars for Success Google Analytics Training Company in the region, we’re organizing the first official Google Analytics modules in collaboration with Google.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Today, that means a secure experience, which is why Google now boosts a site's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking if it secures the entire user session by HTTPS. Essential to a site's success, SEO helps a business to be found, so higher ranking means more site traffic.

2015年4月10日 星期五

Welcome to "Convergence of Cloud and Mobile" Pavilion during International ICT Expo on 13-16 Apr 2015

Welcome to "Convergence of Cloud and Mobile" Pavilion during International ICT Expo on 13-16 Apr 2015

In the upcoming event, members of Hong Kong Linux Industry Association cordially invite you to visit the "Convergence of  Cloud and Mobile" Pavilion. You will find the latest products and applications on Cloud such as Android PC, Managed Cloud Platform, IaaS Cloud Platform, ERP on Cloud, Paperless Recruitment System, Micro Server,  Information Security of Cloud & Mobile, Logistics and Loyalty System on Cloud, Social Media & WiFi, together with the renowned media in Linux and Open Source Software. Besides, we are organizing a full day seminar to share the latest trend of Convergence of Cloud and Mobile.