2015年6月30日 星期二

This book defines the basics of application release and deployment, and provides best practices for implementation with resources for a deeper dive.

Today's competitive marketplace requires the organization to frequently release and deploy applications at the pace of user demands, with reduced cost, risk, and increased quality.
This book defines the basics of application release and deployment, and provides best practices for implementation with resources for a deeper dive.
Inside you will find: 1) The business and technical drivers behind automated application release and deployment. 2) Evaluation guides for application release and deployment solutions. 3) Success stories from organizations utilizing application release and deployment solutions.

2015年6月27日 星期六


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Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015 (HKOSCon) is the International Tech Conference hosted in Hong Kong, driven by the Open Source Community. HKOSCon is aimed to connect the global Open Source technology and communities.

Google Analytics 101 & 201

Google  Analytics 101 & 201

Google Analytics 是個有效的網站分析工具,課程 101 將教你使用 Google Analytics 這套網站分析工具,由基礎的名詞了解開始,助你從大量數據中獲得有用資訊;課程 201 則更深入的解構這工具,如何進階使用及留意事項。學會解讀及使用 Google Analytics 是身為網站企劃經營、網路行銷從業人員不可或缺的能力。



很多香港企業都開始留意到微信對內地營銷的重要性,但微信與其他社交平台有著重大分別,如何利用微信公眾號才可以吸引粉絲及獲取有效 ROI?微礦 WeMine x BQ Journal 聯合推出微信公眾號應用培訓課程,為你介紹微信基本的知識,課上會有進階功能示範及實例分享。

2015年6月16日 星期二

GPUs vs. CPUs: Which Is Right for You?

GPUs vs. CPUs: Which Is Right for You?
Gone are the days when Central Processing Units (CPUs) did all the heavy lifting. The last 10 years has seen much of the workload shifted from CPUs onto one or more Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). David Bolton walks you though what that means for maximizing performance. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.