2015年10月31日 星期六

星期五, 2015年10月30日, 1000hr - 1100hr 使用 TurboPower LockBox 组件对数据进行 RSA 加解密和数字签名 星期五, 2015年11月13日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之 Android Service 新特性 星期五, 2015年11月20日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之支持 NoSQL 的 MongoDB 篇 星期五, 2015年11月27日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之自定义 ListView 的 Appearance

星期五, 2015年10月30日, 1000hr - 1100hr 使用 TurboPower LockBox 组件对数据进行 RSA 加解密和数字签名 星期五, 2015年11月13日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之 Android Service 新特性 星期五, 2015年11月20日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之支持 NoSQL 的 MongoDB 篇 星期五, 2015年11月27日, 1000hr - 1100hr RAD Studio 10 免费培训之自定义 ListView 的 Appearance

3. 至少掌握C++,java,PYTHON,R等語言中的一門

1. 碩士以上學歷,數學統計電腦相關專業優先(985優先)。當然,如果你夠牛逼,你可以忽略這一切
熟悉linux命令,資料庫知識,包括sql server mysql
熟悉hadoop hive,spark等分散式系統

2015年10月16日 星期五

cyber-crime costs

There is significant variation in total cyber-crime costs among participating companies. The US sample reports the highest total average cost at $15 million and the Russian sample reports the lowest total average cost at $2.4 million.

2015年10月11日 星期日

we selected TeXstudio,

For our October "Staff Pick" Project of the Month, we selected TeXstudio, a fully featured LaTeX editor that is available for all major operating systems. Their goal is to make writing LaTeX documents as easy and as comfortable as possible. TeXstudio has numerous helpful features, such as advanced syntax highlighting, integrated viewer, live reference checking, citations, latex commands, spelling and grammar, and various assistants

Security analysts called 2013 the year of the mega breach

Security analysts called 2013 the year of the mega breach, and severe vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed and Shellshock in 2014 showed that the security community can never rest on its laurels.
Will the Internet of Things usher in a new wave of security attacks? As countries move towards their smart nation master plans, what role will Big Data play? What's next in the mobile security space?

2015年10月7日 星期三

Google is the world's most popular search engine, and intends to stay that way. Its popularity is a reflection of its aim to provide the best possible user experience.

Google is the world's most popular search engine, and intends to stay that way. Its popularity is a reflection of its aim to provide the best possible user experience.
Today, that means a secure experience, which is why Google now boosts a site's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking if it secures the entire user session by HTTPS. Essential to a site's success, SEO helps a business to be found, so higher ranking means more site traffic.

2015年10月1日 星期四

Webinar: Cross-Platform Mobile Game Development Using HTML5

Webinar: Cross-Platform Mobile Game Development Using HTML5
Intel® XDK provides a development environment for creating web and hybrid mobile games. Intel XDK includes a code editor, game asset manager, emulator, on-device test, debugger, and build solution.