2015年8月28日 星期五

this on-demand webcast

Are you interested in building a cognitive application using the power of IBM Watson? Need a platform that provides speed and ease for rapidly deploying this application?
Check out this on-demand webcast and join Chris Madison, Watson Solution Architect, as he walks through the process of building a Watson-powered application on IBM Bluemix. Chris will do a step-by-step cognitive application-building demonstration to acquaint you with the functionality and flexibility of Watson Services.

2015年8月26日 星期三

Event Targeting

全 球數以百萬計用戶運用 Twitter  尋找各式各樣活動 (例如總統選舉) 的實時資訊,同時藉著 Twitter 參與其中,早前 Twitter 為廣告客戶將推出全新的 Event Targeting 功能,助他們瞄準對這些活動有濃厚興趣的目標用戶群。今期商智謀略會跟讀者說明這項新功能。

2015年8月25日 星期二

Nutanix 攜手 iCON

Nutanix 攜手 iCON 

傳統的 IT 架構大部分仍是以物理設計為導向,當越來越多企業嘗試將大量數據儲存並進行快速分析時,IT 經理發現如沿用舊方案將會大大增加營運成本,而且系統架構往往難以負荷。今期 Linuxpilot 訪問了 Nutanix 香港及台灣區總經理楊君霈,iCON Business Systems Ltd.  技術總監戴兆偉及高級銷售總監林順發,為大家分享大數據的應用趨勢及超融合式基礎架構的優點。

C++ has recently adopted

One of the biggest changes in recent times has been the use of Lambda expressions in programming. Though it sounds exotic, it's just a way of running an anonymous function. Even C++ has recently adopted them in C++11 and Java in Java 8. David Bolton explains. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.

2015年8月19日 星期三

Modern mobile applications connect systems-of-engagement (mobile apps)

Modern mobile applications connect systems-of-engagement (mobile apps) with systems-of-record (traditional IT) to deliver new and innovative business value. But the lifecycle for development of mobile apps is also new and different.
Emerging trends in mobile development call for faster delivery of incremental features, coupled with feedback from the users of the app "in the wild". This loop of continuous delivery and continuous feedback is how the best mobile apps keep their users engaged and also produce the most compelling apps in the market.

2015年8月18日 星期二

Easier, Faster High-Performance Data Compression with IPP

Easier, Faster High-Performance Data Compression with IPP
Most large software projects deal with data and bandwidth is a concern because large data sets can clog a network and potentially bring its performance to its knees. But as Rick Leinecker explains, Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) includes a rich set of data compression functions that can ease that pain. Find out more and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.

2015年8月14日 星期五

Top Intel® Software Developer Stories | Augmented Reality, Facial Recognition, ModernCode and More
Don’t miss out on the Top Ten! The Intel® Developer Zone provides a wealth of resources, but which stories are trending this month in the developer community? We’re bringing the developer buzz to you.

2015年8月11日 星期二

Stay connected;

Stay connected; and continue to learn with Intel® Software’s exclusive offering of developer tools for RealSense, IoT, Android* and Windows* to create the next big app, get to market faster, and integrate new features into your development. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to learn more, and to find local hackathons, roadshows and events.

2015年8月9日 星期日

Community Choice Project of the Month for August

Community Choice Project of the Month for August For our August "Community Choice" Project of the Month the community elected NAS4Free, an embedded storage distribution for Windows, Mac, and UNIX-like systems. The NAS4Free operating system can be easily installed on virtually any hardware platform, with a Live CD or Live USB, to share computer data storage over a computer network. The project also receives regular updates which include new features, bug fixes, and version upgrades, which in turn keeps your NAS current with the latest standards and best versions. NAS4Free is a simple and efficient way to create a centralized and easily accessible server for a variety of data. Download NAS4Free now.